Medical professionals are lauded by politicians and journalists alike, imbuing them with almost God-like status. This quasi-deification has inevitably led some of these practitioners to believe that other human beings are not as worthy as themselves and can therefore be treated in any method they see fit. This narcissism has led to some shocking abuses of power and some horrific human experiments.
The San Quentin Eugenicist
Dr Leo Stanley was the chief surgeon and San Quentin prison from 1913 until 1951. During his tenure, he carried out at least 10,000 bizarre and horrific experiments on the prisoners.
Being an ardent eugenicist, he believed in sterilising the unworthy. He forcibly sterilised as many prisoners as he could but was not satisfied so he tried to persuade the inmates to have vasectomies, telling them it would increase their sexual vigour and protect them against contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
From vasectomies he moved on to testicular implants, claiming that the testosterone from the implants would immediately improve the libidos of the men. At first, he grafted on the testicles of executed prisoners, but when the supply wasn’t adequate, he would resort to implanting the testicles of deers, goats, boars and rams. Not entirely satisfied with the results though, he eventually started crushing the testicles into a paste and injected them directly into the patient’s abdomen.
Stanley was a particularly heartless individual, showing no empathy towards his patients at all, even operating on some inmates without aesthetic. He once said -
“When one of these individuals comes to the hospital having received a cut finger or some injury in the machinery which necessitates sutures, instead of sympathizing with the individual and allowing him to believe his injuries are quite serious, we assume the opposite attitude toward him and pretend to upbraid him very strongly for his carelessness in getting injured in this way. Should we be particularly sympathetic, this man’s injuries would probably prolong his stay in the hospital.”
After nearly forty years of conducting these gruesome procedures, he left San Quentin to start up his own private practice. The press at the time believed his self-proclaimed success and lauded him for supposedly rejuvenating elderly patients and giving them more energy and increasing their libidos.
The Tuskegee Study
One of the most infamous experiments in US history was the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. In 1932 the US Public Health Service and the CDC commenced 40 years of experimentation on the African American males at the Tuskegee Institute. Six hundred men were recruited, 399 of which had syphilis, the remainder being the control group. The participants were told they would receive free health care but none of them received medication to cure syphilis even though penicillin was widely available. They were not even informed they had syphilis so they couldn’t seek proper treatment elsewhere. The director of the project even went to doctors in the community and told them not to treat any of the men if they went to see them.
One hundred and twenty- eight of the patients were allowed to die just so those in charge could monitor the progression of the disease. Moreover, a number of their wives and children were also infected.
The Guatemalan Inoculation Experiments
Syphilis was also the disease behind the horrific Guatemalan Inoculation Experiments. These were even more horrendous than those at Tuskegee even though they only lasted between 1946 and 1948. 1500 people, including children, were experimented on without consent. Many of the participants were deliberately infected by allowing them to have sex with prostitutes who had, themselves, been deliberately infected. Others had infected tissue smeared on open wounds and on their eyes and genitals. Some even had the infected material injected directly into their spine.
The reason for the horrors inflicted in Guatemala was so the US government could have a better idea of how to treat their infected soldiers. The experiments were funded by the US National Institutes of Health (Dr Fauci’s employers) and the Pan American Health Organisation (part of the World Health Organisation)
The Canadian Nutrition Experiments
In 1942, a decade long experiment on Canadian indigenous children was conducted by the Canadian medical establishment. The experiment on 1000 children took place in 6 schools under the supervision of the Indian Affairs Branch Superintendent of Medical Services, and a doctor who was the former president of the Canadian Paediatric Society and worked at The Hospital for Sick Children.
Groups of already malnourished children were deprived of adequate nutrition to see how certain supplements would affect them. Dental care was removed so that the doctors could see how gum disease and tooth decay progressed with lack of nourishment. Many suffered anaemia and died.
Some of the survivors recalled having to sneak out and steal fruit and vegetables to stave off the hunger. The parents were never informed of the experiments and no consent was given.
The Australian Orphan Scandal
Vaccine manufactures testing their experimental products without proper informed consent isn’t new to the covid era. Between 1947 and 1970 in Australia, hundreds of children ranging from 3 months to 3 years, were injected with untested vaccines for whooping cough, influenza and herpes. Many were given adult doses to see how toxic they were, causing vomiting and abscesses.
Unsurprisingly, the medical profession still supports the trials saying its unreasonable to judge the people that carried them out by todays’ ethical standards.
An Australian senator has said –
"I think it was quite surprising to all of the committee members the extent of use of children for a range of trials, of vaccines, of other medical procedures, including horrifically enforced gynaecological examinations of young girls as almost routine," she said.
"It happened in a lot of places in Australia; drugs were provided to children under approved trials, events that would never happen nowadays of course, but it was rather extensive and fairly shocking."
The gynaecological examinations mentioned by the senator were basically sexual abuse of young children with some of the victims describing the care homes as ‘concentration camps.’
The Radiation Experiments
With the onset of the nuclear age, many countries were concerned about the effect radiation could have on the populace. To investigate the possible dangers, they resorted to numerous human experiments
Plutonium was one of the substances used. In 1946 six employees at a metallurgical factory were given plutonium-contaminated water so they could see how it was absorbed in the digestive tract. In another case, a young woman in a New York hospital thought she was being treated for a pituitary disorder but was instead being experimented on with plutonium.
Uranium was also used. In the 1940s six patients were given high doses of uranium to see what the tolerance level was before their kidneys would be damaged.
The governments of the day even resorted to experimenting on pregnant women and babies. Radioactive iodine was given to pregnant mothers and 25 new-borns were give iodine orally or by injection to see how long it would take to travel to the thyroid glands. In 1953, at a Detroit hospital, 65 babies were given radioactive iodine.
Just after the second world war, over 800 mothers at a university faculty were given, what they were told were vitamin drinks but, in reality, the drinks were laced with radioactive iron. Some of the mothers got cancer and four of the babies subsequently died.
Disabled children were also targeted. Between 1955 and 1960 a Californian hospital conducted painful experiments on mentally disabled children by feeding them irradiated milk. A school in Massachusetts, in an experiment funded by the Atomic Energy Commission and Quaker Oats, fed oatmeal containing radioactive material to 73 mentally disabled children. The same school also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then carried out painful procedures to sample their cerebrospinal fluid.
In Scotland, 91 pregnant women were injected with radioactive iodine to see what effect it would have on the foetus. They claimed never to have given proper consent because they were never fully informed about the dangers.
The Blood Flow Experiments
The University of California’s Department of Pediatrics carried out a number of insane and cruel experiments on 113 new-borns to allegedly study blood pressure . They inserted a catheter into the baby’s aorta and then plunged the child’s feet into ice cold water, whilst recording their blood pressure. In another experiment, they strapped 50 new-borns to boards, turned the board upside down so that the blood rushed to their heads and then measured the blood flow.
In a Cleveland hospital, testing blood flow was once again the excuse to carry out human experiments. This time the experiments included inserting needles into the patients’ jugular veins and arteries in their arms, to draw blood and then, after blood loss caused paralysis and fainting, measuring their blood pressure.
British Human Guinea Pigs
The British medical establishment was rocked to its core when, in 1967, Dr Maurice Papworth published his book, ‘Human Guinea Pigs: Experimentation on Man’. In it, he named and shamed doctors and hospitals who were engaged in unnecessary and dangerous experiments carried out on patients without their consent.
In one example, 43 diabetic patients had their insulin withdrawn to deliberately send them into a coma, then liver and kidney biopsies were done without their knowledge. In another case, 8 patients with bleeding peptic ulcers had catheters inserted into their aorta, resulting in three of them dying. Papworth was highly critical of the way doctors seemed more interested in advancing their careers by carrying out unnecessary procedures than taking care of their patients.
When the book came out, he was condemned by the press, medical profession and members of parliament for bringing the medical profession into disrepute. Obviously, nothing has changed as evidenced by the censorship and criticism of any healthcare professional questioning the covid narrative.
Chester Southam
Chester Southam was an immunologist at Sloan Kettering hospital, regarded as one of the top cancer centres in the world. In the 1960s he carried out experiments on patients without their consent. Twenty-two elderly, non-cancer patients were injected with cancerous cells. The cells were known as HeLa cells because they originated from a cancer patient called Henrietta Lacks. (It is worth noting that these HeLa cancerous cells are used in the manufacture of many vaccines today).

His callous disregard for his patients was highlighted when he was asked what would have happened if his patients had got cancer from his procedures. “What if they had,” he replied, “If they did, we’d just cut it out.” The medical profession in general must also bear responsibility for these crimes as Southam had previously worked in Africa where he injected cancer patients with viruses such as mumps, dengue and West Nile and yet was still allowed to carry out these experiments in the US. To emphasise the contempt the medical establishment had for the patients, a few years later Southam was elected president of American Association for Cancer Research.
The Terrordome
The Terrordome was a moniker given to the Holmesburg Prison, Pennsylvania, where prisoners were subjected to painful experiments involving drugs and biochemical agents. Dr Kligman, a dermatologist, was in charge of the experiments. His attitude towards his human subjects was evident the minute he entered the prison when he said – “All I saw before me were acres of skin. It was like a farmer seeing a fertile field for the first time.
Kligman exposed inmates to microwave radiation and sulfuric and carbolic acid. His barbarity knew no bounds. After forcing the inmates to physically exert themselves, he would then surgically remove their sweat glands. He even sewed tissue from cadavers onto the bodies of inmates to see if the dead tissue could function again. Not content on experimenting on individuals he exposed entire cell blocks to viruses and dermatological irritants.

Kligman had no remorse whatsoever. He was once quoted as saying – “Things were simpler then. Informed consent was unheard of. No one asked me what I was doing. It was a wonderful time.”
Again, his experiments were known about at the time as they were funded by the US government, Dow chemicals and Johnston and Johnston (one of the manufacturers of the covid vaccine). Dow chemicals actually paid him 10,000 Us dollars to expose inmates to the dioxin in agent orange which caused so much human suffering to the Vietnamese population during and after the Vietnam war.
Doctor Fauci
During the covid era, DR Fauci, was the face of the establishment narrative. He was lauded a s hero and when his opinions were questioned he would retort by saying
‘Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,’ inferring that his word was the only truth.
In reality, far from being a hero, Fauci has a history of carrying out unethical experimentation on numerous unwitting subjects, including children. RF Kennedy Junior exposed a lot of his horrific abuse in his book,’ The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.’
Between 1988 and 2002 Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases forced experimental AIDS drugs, which were known to cause brain and organ damage, into HIV positive foster kids. If they refused the treatment, they were strapped down and the drugs were forced into them. Failing that, the children were taken to another facility where they had tubes inserted into their abdomens and the drugs administered directly into their stomachs. If, at any point, their foster parents refused the ‘treatment’ for the children, Fauci’s team threatened to remove the children from their care.
The drug in question was AZT, a drug that was so toxic, it was even abandoned as a chemotherapy drug. It has been described as worse than the actual disease and many people have since said AZT actually killed more people than AIDS.
At least 80 children died at one foster care facility alone. A BBC journalist reported as having seen at least 100 coffins of dead children buried in a mass grave at a local cemetery.

Dr Fauci was also responsible for ensuring that the drug Remdesivir was the only option permitted in the treatment of patients alleged to have covid. Despite the success of cheap drugs like Ivermectin to treat covid-like symptoms, the toxic Remdesivir was the only one approved whilst Ivermectin was banned by the DFA.
Remdesivir was initially developed to treat Ebola in 2014 but was discontinued because of its high death rate. In 2018 it was tested again in West Africa in another Ebola outbreak but was stopped due to it resulting in a 50% death rate from organ failure. Up to 75% of covid patients being treated with Remdesivir reported side effects, with the drug having to be withdrawn after 5 to 10 days due kidney and liver failure. A pharmacovigilance analysis study reported that -
“Our findings, based on post marketing real-life data from >5000 COVID-19 patients, support that kidney disorders, almost exclusively AKI (Acute Kidney Injury), represent a serious, early, and potentially fatal adverse drug reaction of Remdesivir”.
Yet this deadly drug was the only one promoted by Dr Fauci to treat those diagnosed with covid, with hospitals receiving financial incentives to use it. Irrespective of its toxic effects on the kidneys and liver, other side effects associated with it is tightness in the chest, coughing and difficulty breathing, symptoms an alleged covid patient would already have so clearly this drug would only make the patient worse.
With this history of horrific abuse involving high ranking doctors, vaccine manufacturers, government health departments and public bodies that are meant to protect people’s health, is it really surprising that the medical establishment decided, in their arrogance and inhumanity, to experiment on the entire global population with their dangerous, untested, mRNA technology, causing pain, disability and death worldwide? Is it really surprising that, if we treat people like gods, they will inevitably, bloated by hubris, end up acting like devils?
Excellent article. What about the frontal labotomies?.
Thank you for putting all this in one place. (And I'm sure there is plenty more, in other nations.)
God help us. B/c mankind left to himself certainly won't.