October 14th is the closing date for the consultation on the propsed Northern Ireland health bill. If you haven’t already responded, please do so. It would also be useful to express your concerns to your MLA and let them know exactly what you think of this draconian bill.
Below is the e-mail I sent to every MLA in the Assembly.
“I am writing to you to convey my grave concerns over the proposed new health bill that is currently out for consultation. It is draconian in the extreme. Under this proposed bill, a member of the Public Health Agency could enter one’s premises by force, physically restrain or assault the owner, remove whatever items form their premisses they choose, forcibly vaccinate the owner and quarantine them for 28 days. This period could, after going via a magistrate, be extended for further periods of 28 days indefinitely. Not only that but it doesn’t even have to be a Public Health Agency official. They can designate anyone they choose to enter one’s premises, so could, in theory, hire security guards or bouncers to intimidate or harass the owner.
Moreover, because under this proposal animals are deemed to be ‘things’, one’s pets can be ‘destroyed or disposed of.’ Apart from the fact that this directly contradicts the new Animal Abduction act, which recognises animals as sentient creatures, it is abhorrent. To list animals in the same category as human tissue or human remains is disgusting.
The most disturbing part of this bill is the proposal for mandatory vaccination. This a breach of the most fundamental right of all, the right to bodily autonomy. This right is inalienable. It is not granted by government and therefore cannot be removed by anyone, no matter who they are. Apart from being totally unethical it is unlawful. Moreover, the concept of consent was considered fundamental when creating the Nuremburg code and any proposal to ignore that would be a breach of that code.
See United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al.
According to the human rights lawyer, Anne de Buisseret, mandatory vaccination is ‘wholly illegal, unlawful, immoral and unethical.’
One would have thought that the Assembly would have learned from devasting health consequences caused by the disastrous lockdown policy inflicted on Northern Ireland citizens but apparently not. Instead, the Health department are proposing the most sinister, Orwellian bill imaginable.
The fact that the department can basically declare a health emergency at the whim of the Minister for Health is terrifying particularly, as we learned form covid, the tests use to determine if someone MAY BE infectious is the totally discredited PCR test. According to the person who developed the test and the manufacturers themselves, the PCR test should never be used as a diagnostic tool and yet that is exactly what happened during covid. Worse still, a 45- cycle threshold was used which virtually guarantees that anyone tested will be positive when anything over 30 cycles is basically meaningless. Therefore, as with covid, it is inevitable that these restrictions will be used against members of the public that are not infectious at all.
When it comes to the issue of vaccines, everyone now knows that the covid vaccines did not prevent anyone from getting infected not did it prevent anyone from passing the disease on so they were completely useless. With vaccines, like all medical treatments, it is a basic prerequisite that you weigh up the risks versus then benefits. We now know there were no benefits to the vaccine but there very verifiable risks. At least 1000 side effects associated with the vaccines, including death, were mentioned in the government’s own yellow card reporting scheme. Millions of people worldwide were injured and killed and yet the Health Department still want to force vaccines on people! It is absolutely astounding that anyone, let alone a government department would try to impose mandatory vaccines on their citizens. This legislation is more suitable to Stalinist Russia or North Korea than a supposedly modern democracy. In fact, if this legislation is enacted, will cease to be a democracy. The Health Department will have carried out a coup-d’etat, with one man, the Minister for Health, having total and absolute power over the people of Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland will, in effect, be a totalitarian regime.
Not only should this bill be scrapped, but those people who proposed it, should be removed from their posts immediately and banned from ever being employed in any official government capacity in the future because they are a threat to democracy.
If you respect the citizens of Northern Ireland and value basic freedoms and the right to bodily autonomy, I hope you will be opposing this abhorrent and draconian legislation.”
Well done, you laid it out beautifully. Same thing is happening in Canada with bill C-293. It's an insane globalist agenda they thought they could quietly slip in before we understood the absolute tyranny. In any case... Do Not Comply.