The globalists have eventually got their way by igniting riots all over England. The murder of three children in Southport was the trigger but the real cause is decades of deliberate, uncontrolled immigration by both the Tories and the Labour party, supported by the left- wing press and BBC and promoted and funded by people like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation.
The suspect was initially thought to be a Muslim immigrant but turned out be Welsh, born to Rwandan parents who also happen to be Christian. The truth, however, is very rarely relevant. The riots that ensued involved an attack on a mosque and burning of cars and buses.
Riots erupted in various cities almost simultaneously and appear to be orchestrated. The constant labelling of normal British citizens as far right fascists for simply being concerned about extremely high levels of illegal immigrants coming into the community and being given free accommodation in top hotels whilst they struggled with the cost of living, was getting more and more people angry. The right-wing press, labelling decent people who attended pro-Palestinian marches as terrorists and openly supporting the Israeli genocide, fuelled the hatred. People like so-called activist, Tommy Robinson who had been highlighting immigration issue and organising demonstrations for years, but is quite clearly in the payroll of Israel, was also adding to the tension.
Then recent incident in Manchester airport when a police officer, after being attacked by two men of Pakistani origin, tasered one of the suspects and then, when he was lying, unable to move on the ground, viciously kicked him in the head and also attempted to stamp on his head, raised tensions still further and turned out to be a very divisive incident.
Irrespective of the assault by the suspect, most people would view the officer’s violent behaviour as disgraceful. Not, however some right-wing politicians who actually applauded the police violence as did many right-wing people on social media.
So, emboldened by politicians and many others, the police used the same excessive violence against the mainly white people protesting about the murders of the children. Those on the right, of course, condemned this police brutality because it wasn’t aimed at the right people.
The result of all this is a country about to explode in an ever-increasing cycle of violence, pitting black versus white, and native British people against immigrants - exactly as planned by the elite.
As David Icke would phrase it Problem-Reaction-Solution. The problem (uncontrolled immigration organised by the globalists). The Reaction (mass protests and inevitable violence (orchestrated by the globalists). The Solution (more police powers and surveillance and a crackdown on freedoms, exactly what the initial goal of the globalists was from the start).
So, as chaos increases, we should expect more censoring of the internet and social media with new, all-encompassing, hate speech laws. Digital IDs will be introduced which will initially be for immigrants and therefore supported by the right, but will then be expanded so it will be the only form of ID accepted anywhere e.g. to open bank accounts which will be digital currency only and also to use the internet, which will initially be introduced to prove you are over 18 to allegedly ensure minors don’t access graphic content but will then be used for accessing any site or social media account. There will be even more power given to the police to stop, search and harass anyone and demand their digital ID, to initiate local lockdowns in areas they deem to be dangerous, enforce curfews and use excessive force as it is now deemed to be acceptable. Eventually all protests that don’t agree with the government narrative will be banned on the grounds they can be deemed offensive to some or could lead to violence, which will be totally accepted by the media and the general public as agent provocateurs will be used to infiltrate more and more protests and instigate the violence. So, expect pro-net zero protesters to be allowed to continue but protests against mass immigration, Israeli genocide, war, grooming gangs, inappropriate sex education for children or, as they wheel out the fake bird flu pandemic, protests against mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns will be prohibited. After all, the elite, whether Tory or Labour, condone mass immigration, war, genocide, the sexual exploitation of children and the complete removal of all our freedoms including bodily autonomy.
Chaos is always what the elite want. Because, as the old freemason saying goes, ‘ordo ab chao’ – order out of chaos and the order they want to bring about out of the chaos they created, is the New World Order. A dystopian, totalitarian state where you are under 24-hour surveillance, your movements are severely restricted, all dissent is banned, you are forcibly medicated and anyone stepping out of line will be brutally beaten or worse by an ever more violent police force, whose job was never to protect the people from criminals but was always to act as a private army to protect the criminal elite from the people.
This is where we are headed if people don’t stop reacting to every orchestrated event by blaming the ‘other side’. It is not native versus immigrant or black versus white or straight versus gay. These are all false constructs to have us fighting amongst ourselves. The only battle is good versus evil and, on the whole, we, the people, are good and all of them, the elite and their puppet governments, are evil. That is the only thing that is black and white.