When most people hear the word fundamentalism, they automatically associate it with religion. It is the strict adherence to scripture which must be zealously enforced and where no nuance or grey areas are permitted. The word of the fundamentalist’s god is the literal truth and there can be no debate and those that question are banished as heretics.
When I hear the word fundamentalism, I associate it with science because, science is, in many ways, the new religion. Although it has been like that for many years, it was with the ‘outbreak’ of the fake covid pandemic that it became so noticeable, when scientists around the world became disciples of the new religion - Covidianism. Former adherents to other scientific disciplines suddenly became zealous followers of the one, true global religion where extremism and fundamentalism where crucial for its rapid expansion and complete domination of the world’s population.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that a catastrophe such as a pandemic, fake though it was, would be the precursor to an outbreak of science fundamentalism with all the nonsensical dogma and extreme persecution that went with it. In Mesoamerica, it is believed the Aztecs partook in human sacrifice to appease their gods, particularly in times of disease outbreaks and when, in the 1500s, a plague swept across Europe, sorcery was believed to be to blame and religious fundamentalists hunted down and killed anyone believed to be a witch.
Today’s Covidians may not have burnt anyone at the stake, although given the chance I am sure some of them would gleefully have done so, but the persecution of heretics was extreme and many of their careers went up in smoke even if they didn’t.
A prerequisite for most fundamentalist cults is the threat of some apocalyptic event that can only be averted by strict observance of the rules of the cult as dictated by leaders or high priests. In the case of the Covidians, it was that a novel virus was going to eradicate vast numbers of the human race and the only way to be saved was to socially distance, wear a mask and get vaccinated as per the experts- the high priests of science.
To instil this terrifying image of a viral Armageddon into our psyche they needed to bring out their prophets. So, in the UK, they brought forth Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and Chief Science officer, Patrick Valance who would give us a daily sermon on how millions of us would die if we didn’t mend our ways by wearing muzzles, keeping our distance from other human beings and above all else receiving the holy vaccine. They would regale us with tales of death, relating in sombre tones how vast numbers of citizens had succumbed to the deadly virus (omitting the fact that they tested positive for a virus that has never been isolated by a PCR test that doesn’t diagnose anything and that all of them were over 70 and had numerous co-morbidities). But then fundamentalist cults always lie and these two were fundamentally a pair of lying cults.

They would then go on to tell us that the whole country would soon be dead because the one’ true prophet had said. The prophet was Professor Neill Ferguson of Oxford University. He was chosen to predict the future when it came to covid because was considered to be the Nostradamus of computer modelling and yet he has a 100% record of abysmal failure. He predicted 50,000 dead from BSE. In reality there was 177. He predicted a death toll of 150 million from bird flu and there was only 282. He predicted 65000 U.K citizens would die from swine flu and the final figure was 457. He was truly a false prophet. In fact, the only real profit was the vast amount of cash made by Big Pharma from the death jab.
To ensure their followers abide by their arbitrary rules, one of the first things religious fundamentalists do is to brainwash their followers with non-stop propaganda whilst prohibiting them from reading any heretical texts which may challenge their world view and pillorying and banishing anyone that produces or quotes from these tomes. This is exactly what happened with covid. Any doctor or scientist who did not accept the doctrine that covid was the deadliest disease the world had ever seen was basically ex-communicated from the church of science. Their views were mocked and, their work and scientific papers were treated like the apocrypha of the bible and expunged from the accepted cannon of covid literature as false, dangerous and heretical.

Religious cults are successful at brainwashing their followers but they have nothing on the Covidians, who had control over the entire mainstream media and most of social media. So, tales of a pandemic apocalypse were spewed out of every news outlet with images of people dropping dead in the street and hospitals overflowing with dying covid patients, all of which was, of course, totally false. Pandemic propaganda was everywhere.
When a cult has brainwashed and terrified its congregation into accepting their truth, they can then exploit them by asking them to do the most ludicrous things knowing that they would be so afraid they would comply. This usually involves some sort of humiliation, the destruction of one’s self-respect and the erosion of their freedom. The cult of covid was no different, except it was on a global scale - everyone was supposed to genuflect to the covid high priests and humiliate themselves by ambling around with a piece of dirty cloth over their face, walking obediently around supermarkets in one direction like trained Pavlovian dogs and standing outside and applauding the NHS like performing seals.
Of course, when people have been totally brainwashed into believing the narrative, they can be used to enforce the rules against others who may stray from the path. This is classic cult programming. So, we had the masketeers who would harass and reprimand those who didn’t succumb to the fearporn. The worshippers of the muzzle were everywhere, from your next-door neighbour to news readers, to politicians and Hollywood celebrities. Everywhere you look, there were the empty, brainwashed eyes of the cult disciples glaring out from above their face-covering of choice to see if they could find any non-believer to abuse.
Another method used by fundamentalist cults to gain control is to restrict access to friends and family and the Covidians were masters at that. They ensured you could not meet anyone outside your household or visit ill relatives in hospital. Later you had to prove that you were a true devotee by showing your membership card – a vaccine passport – to enter pubs and restaurants to be around other humans.
Like most cults it created mantras to be repeated over and over again as another form of brainwashing. In the U.K. it was – ‘Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives.’ The fact that NHS staff were more interested in choregraphing dance routines for TikTok than saving lives was wilfully ignored. Then there was the most well-known mantra of all. The one used by the fanatics and zealots all around the world ‘It is safe and effective.” The biggest lie ever told.
This, of course, referred to the ‘vaccine’ which, was treated in much the same way as the Holy Grail or some other religious relic. It would have magical powers of healing – like the finger bone or piece of clothing from saint - if you inject it, you will be saved. The holy spirit of the mRNA jab would flood through your body and protect you from the ravages of the plague. Of course, it did completely the opposite, officially causing over 1000 different side effects including death – a poison, not a panacea.
Naturally, like all fundamentalists, the Covidians believed in miracles. As well as the vaccine, they worshipped the sacred face mask, believing that it could prevent a viral particle many times smaller than the holes in the cloth from penetrating it – akin to believing that a fishing net can catch smoke. They also believed that standing up in a bar could result in instant infection but the simple act of sitting down afforded you instant protection. They believed if you stayed out past curfew, the wily covid virus would know the time and viciously attack you but if you were compliant and went home early the virus would miraculously leave you alone. They believed that if their medicine men were to perform sacred dances in hospitals rather than treat ill patients it would save lives. (Admittedly this may actually be true as their form of treatment for ‘covid’ patients involved overdosing them with midazolam, intubating them and slapping a Do Not Resuscitate notice on them.)

Of course, one essential component of any fundamentalist organisation is a messianic figure and that figure was Dr Anthony Fauci. For a long time he was hailed as the saviour who would rid us of the deadly plague. He was worshipped so much he began to believe his own hype. When he was criticised, he responded by saying by criticising him, they were criticising science because he was the science. He had come to believe in his deification as the God of science, much like many doctors believe in their god-like status which is why they treat mere humans as simple playthings over whom they have the power of life and death. His messianic status had been built up by the Covidian cult to such an extent, prayer candles were made, emblazoned with a representation of him as a saint. He, of course, turned out to be a sham messiah just as the apocalyptic plague turned out be a sham pandemic.
One final area in which the Covidian cult mirrors fundamentalist cults is when it comes to the leaders. Where cult leaders demand total adherence to the draconian rules they created, they never abide by them themselves, much like the politicians who were partying it up with their mates, having flings and affairs with their girlfriends and laughing at their followers who were forced to sit alone indoors or watch their loved ones being killed by the NHS through a protective screen.
However, Covidianism is just one sect in the church of science fundamentalism. An equally extreme one is the Cult of Climate Crisis. This sect has been around for a long time and has undergone numerous name changes in the process. It was the Cult of Global Warming, then the Cult of Climate Change and eventually, its current incarnation, the Cult of Climate Crisis. However, it has been suggested it will soon change again to the Cult of Climate Apocalypse to try to instil even more fear into its disciples, driving them to buy even larger quantities of paint to throw over precious artwork in an attempt to prevent Armageddon.
As a doomsday cult, they have no equal. Where others have come and gone they have been zealously proselytising for a century with tales of the end of the world. Of course, as always, the end never actually arrives but that never deters members of the science fundamentalist movement. They simply ignore all the previous end of the world dates and announce a new one every year because they absolutely believe in the truth of their science, because their science cannot be wrong, even when it blatantly is- over and over again. The science is settled, so there can be no further discussion allowed and all opposing opinions must be purged from the climate gospel.
Perhaps, getting fed up waiting for the apocalypse they have decided to try to instigate it. They are doing this by designating carbon dioxide, the gas of life as the gas of death and so zealous are the followers of the fundamentalist scientists they want to reduce it by all means possible, thus decreasing plant life and therefore every other type of life. Ancient man is usually viewed as primitive and superstitious and yet they appreciated and worshipped nature whereas the climate zealots, with their fundamentalist scientific doctrines, actually want to destroy nature. They build hideous wind turbines that decimate birdlife, destroy millions of acres of forest to build solar panels and dredge the seabed for minerals for EV batteries, endangering marine life. They have been brainwashed so much by their scientific dogma that they are prepared to destroy the planet in order to save it.
They too, have their holy prophets. The first was Al Gore, who produced the cult’s first climate Bible – An Inconvenient Truth in which the truth was conveniently ignored and replaced by pseudo-scientific claptrap. It was in this book of climate scripture that the most treasured relic of the climate catastrophists was presented as the true and incontrovertible word of their scientific gods – the infamous holy hockey stick graph which purportedly shows the rapid rise in global temperature due to man made global warming from the 1900s onwards. However, as with so many holy relics throughout the century, it has long been debunked which, of course, doesn’t stop the true believers from swearing to its authenticity.
They also have St Greta, whose infamous rantings mirror those of firebrand preachers screaming at us that, due to our sins, the end of the word is nigh. It wasn’t as nigh as she thought, however, when, in 2023, she had to delete a tweet she had previously posted in 2018 declaring that, “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” Another science fundamentalist, another false prophet, another failed prediction.
There are other branches of science fundamentalism, of course. There is Astrophysics, whose adherents promote the doctrine that the universe came into being 13.8 billion years ago in a ‘big bang’. They state it as fact, as if they were witnesses to it, and mock creationists who believe God created the universe in 6 days. Yet there is as little evidence for the former as the latter. Whether you believe academia’s version or that told in Genesis, they are both just a matter of faith.
Then there are the archaeologists. They are staunch fundamentalists. They decide what history is acceptable and what is not. If certain artefacts do not appear to fit into the timeline or culture they have decided are the correct ones, they are automatically rejected. There is no debate and any archaeologist that questions their holy proclamations will be banished from their sect and have their funding removed. If they do find an artefact that may question their version of history, it is unceremoniously hidden in the basement of a museum out of sight in much the same way it is suspected many documents that challenge the word of the catholic church are hidden away in the vaults of the Vatican.
They are also believers in miracles. They believe that the vast megaliths used to construct monuments such as the Great pyramid, Sacsayhuaman in Peru or the stones at Baalbek in Lebanon, some of which weigh 350 tonnes, were cut using nothing more than chisels and were dragged across the landscape for miles using wooden logs as rollers! The evidence and common sense, two things not appreciated by archaeologists, would suggest these stones were fashioned and moved using advanced technology, no longer available to us, or deliberately concealed from us. But the science fundamentalists have spoken – so chisels and logs it must be.

The problem with science fundamentalism is it strictly adheres to the currently accepted dogma. It never moves on. Real science is not static, it is never settled, it evolves with time. The only way this can happen is due to the mavericks and heretics who do not accept the doctrine passed down to them. They challenge them and that challenge eventually results in new idea and theories. If it was left to the science fundamentalists, society would stagnate and wither.
Progress can only be made by questioning the taboos in science, slaying their sacred cows and digging away at the foundation of their holy truths. It is up to all of us to do this. It is up to us to be the heretics and iconoclasts.
Are they planning a false flag event in London?
Very nearly all of London's Webcams went dark in early September. Why?
They may bypass the next pandemic and go straight for the nuclear option.
Radiation is on the list with marburg and ebola and will trigger a public health emergency.
I call it 'Junk science'. Science that has been so commercialized, that it may as well be snake oil. Although in the case of astrophysics and archaeology this doesn't necessarily apply. In those cases it's mainly enormous egos where people have lost the sense of adventure and discovery that science should be. It's always fun to watch when different disciplines enter the fray and cause chaos. A good example is from archaeology, where geology has stepped into the fray in the dating of the Sphinx in Egypt.