In my last post I highlighted the assault on freedom posed by the proposed new Northern Ireland Health Bill. It would allow health offcials, or anyone designated by them, to enter your house by force, physically assault you, take any of your possessions they desire, forcibly vaccinate you, imprison you in quarantine and, if your pet is deemed to be infectious, kill it.
If you wish to make a stand against this tyranny, respond to the consultation and contact your MLA. In addition, sign the Stop the Bill petition and attend the rally this Saturday, 12th October at noon at the Belfast City Hall. It’s time for the people of Northern Ireland to make their voices heard. It’s time to tell our politicians we do not consent. It’s time to tell them, they work for us and not the globalists.
If you don’t want you and your family to face a tyrannical, dystopian future, act now. Apathy is not an option.