The Depopulation Agenda - Part 4
The poisoning of our food, air and water to cause infertility
This is part 4 of my series on the globalists’ plan to reduce the population. An edited version was published on the Conservative Woman website in March this year.
The Depopulation Agenda - Part 4
Birth rates around the world are in decline and it is hardly surprising as our food, air and water are being systematically poisoned with anti-fertility substances.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is used to induce infertility in laboratory animals. So why is it also an ingredient in some vaccines and used as a flavour enhancer in a multitude of foodstuffs? Its infertility properties are well known as it has caused degenerative damage to the cells of the ovaries and testicular damage in rats due to oxidative stress, leading to low sperm counts and detrimental changes to the sperm morphology.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, made from the excreta of genetically modified e-coli bacteria. It is in many soft drinks and chewing gum and is associated with a host of dangerous side effects including cancer, multiple sclerosis, seizures, depression and ADHD. It also has a negative impact on fertility.
According to one fertility expert, taking large amounts of aspartame can cause infertility and miscarriages. It can also lead to a 90% chance of ovum and sperm cells dying if consumed in excessive amounts. Dr James Bowen claims aspartame is an abortifacient and a teratogen and its toxicity is due to its break down products - methyl alcohol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid – being neurotoxins. A study on rats concluded that aspartame also effects male fertility by damaging sperm due to oxidative stress. Despite being aware of the dangers of aspartame, the FDA concealed from the public its ability to cause birth defects.
Another substance commonly used in food that is known to cause fertility issues is the preservative, sodium benzoate. These problems shouldn’t be a surprise as sodium benzoate has also been used successfully as an ingredient in a spermicide, where the product showed, “potent spermicidal activity in less than 2 min.”
A study on rats, showed that it significantly reduced sperm numbers and sperm motility. Sodium benzoate also decreased the number of hormones essential for sperm production. A further study showed that feeding it to pregnant mice resulted in foetal malformations such as haemorrhages, limb defects, craniofacial defects, vertebral column deformities and neural tube defects.
With all the detrimental fertility effects linked to sodium benzoate, why is it being put in our food supply?
One of the biggest threats to our health, though, is genetically modified food as the long-term effects of creating non-natural organisms is unknown. One thing that is known is that GMOs can adversely affect fertility.
Female rats fed GM food showed mutations to their uterus and ovaries. More than 50% of babies of mother rats fed GM food died within three weeks of birth. Mice fed GM corn had fewer offspring. Hamsters that were fed GM soy for two years lost the ability to reproduce and pigs fed GM corn became sterile .
In a sinister development, a biotechnology company called Epicyte developed ‘contraceptive corn’ that contains antibodies to sperm. This company was eventually bought over by Monsanto, at the time the greatest suppliers of GM crops in the world and a company in which Bill Gates has invested. Why would a biotech food company want to own contraceptive corn?
Round-Up is the main pesticide used with GM crops. Is it coincidence that it has also been shown to be detrimental to fertility? A study showed Round-Up damaged testosterone-producing cells in rats after just 1 hour’s exposure. In addition, Argentinian researchers have found that after only 7 days exposure, glyphosate, Round-Up’s main active ingredient, disrupts the development of the uterus in female rats. It should also be noted that vaccines are also contaminated with glyphosate.
It is not just our food that is laden with anti-fertility substances, the water, too, is contaminated. Fluoridation of the public water supply has been used extensively in the United States, Australia and the Republic of Ireland and in some parts of the United Kingdom on the pretext that it prevents dental caries. In reality, apart from causing cancer, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, skeletal and dental fluorosis, it also causes infertility.
A 2005 study showed when rats were exposed to fluoride they showed, “a significant decrease in sperm count, sperm motility, sperm viability and sperm function.”
A 2006 study on ram semen found that reasonably low levels of fluoride can decrease the motility of sperm. A further study showed that fluoride could cause structural damage to the reproductive organs of rabbits.
Fluoride also affects female fertility.
A meta-analysis study looked at the correlation between annual fertility rates and fluoride in drinking water and confirmed that areas that had fluoridated water had decreased fertility rates. A study carried out on rats linked fluoride exposure to ovarian and uterine structural damage which could significantly reduce their fertility. Another report found an association between women working with fluoride compounds and a higher risk of spontaneous abortion.
It is no coincidence that all four United Kingdom countries are, at present, trying to fluoridate the entire water supply.
Of course, there are already other substances deliberately added to our water such as chlorine, used as a disinfectant. It may come as a surprise to find that it, too, has been linked to fertility issues. Two environmental groups concluded –
“Millions of pregnant women were at a higher risk of miscarriage and birth defects in their babies as a result of exposure to the chlorine byproducts in their tap water.”
The science journal, Integrative Medicine, concurred by stating –
“Drinking chlorinated water is associated with an increased risk of stillbirth.”
Another substance they want to add to our water supply is lithium, currently used to treat anyone diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. Because of its alleged positive effect on mental health, the mainstream media have frequently promoted the idea of forcibly medicating us all by adding it to the water supply, just as they have done with fluoride . Just like fluoride, it has a well-known adverse effect on fertility.
Tests on rodents have shown devastating effects of lithium on their reproductive ability. The rate of spermatogenesis and sperm quality were reduced, cells that produce testosterone were destroyed and sperm motility was significantly reduced. It also disrupted the development of sexual cells and the maturation of spermatozoa. In another test, when male rats exposed to lithium mated with normal female rats the fertility rates was reduced by 50%, even after the lithium exposure was removed. In human tests, lithium has also been shown to reduce the motility of human sperm.
On the information sheet for the lithium drug, Priadel it specifically says –
“Lithium therapy should not be used during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, unless considered essential. There is epidemiological evidence that it may be harmful to the foetus in human pregnancy. Lithium crosses the placental barrier. In animal studies lithium has been reported to interfere with fertility, gestation and foetal development.”
Is it also just a coincidence that NASA is dumping lithium into the atmosphere as part of their experiments to study high altitude winds?
Even the very air around us poses a threat to fertility. Radiofrequency radiation (RF) emitted by cell phones, mobile phone towers, smart–meters and Wi-Fi networks are associated with numerous health hazards, including having an adverse effect on fertility
A study carried out on rats on the dangers of mobile phone radiation concluded by saying it -
“Had a harmful effect on spermatogenesis. In particular, the sperm and Leydig cell counts significantly decreased in the long duration exposure group, showing that continuous cell phone use could be hazardous for fertile men, especially adolescent men. “
A paper in ‘Cell Journal’ again highlights the dangers of Wi-Fi radiation on the reproductive system. The authors noted that sperm concentration, motility and morphology were affected significantly with exposure to a Wi-Fi antenna. Another journal listed numerous studies showing significantly decreased sperm counts, motility and testosterone levels and increases in abnormal cells and DNA damage due to exposure to radio frequency radiation.
It isn’t just the male reproductive system that RF radiation affects. It also impairs female fertility. The journal, Reproductive Toxicology, states that RF radiation causes - “Uteroplacental circulatory disturbances and ovarian and placental dysfunction during pregnancy.”
Another study carried out on mice concluded that microwave radiation at 2.45Ghz, the frequency of Wi-Fi, can lead to deformed embryos and abnormal pregnancies.
In a human study, conducted on pregnant women in California, it was found that woman exposed to higher levels of RF radiation were three times more likely to have a miscarriage than woman exposed to lower levels.
As an indication as to the reality of the situation and how large a reduction in population we should expect, one should look at figures produced by Deagle, a branch of the US military intelligence. They produce predictions for future population numbers by country. Between 2017 and 2025 they predicted a 77.1% reduction in the population of the UK and a 68.5% reduction for the US.
The fact that vaccines, food, water and the air we breathe, are all laden with anti-fertility agents is not just a coincidence. It is part of the globalists’ ongoing, sinister plan to depopulate the planet. Only people with no humanity want to destroy humanity.
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